Maximizing the Yield of Your Training Process
Let’s define training “yield” as the % of participants that are actually using what was taught in the training event after 6 months. Although training yield can vary widely depending on several factors such as the quality of the training, the relevance of the content, and the support provided for implementation --- studies suggest that that yield number is consistently only about 20-30%.
In most all areas of business a yield of 20-30% would not be sufficient to survive and stay in business. This tutorial will not deal with the reasons why the training “industry” is able to get away with such yields, but I will share ideas for ways to measure training effectiveness (both leading and lagging measures) and tools for greatly increasing the yield as defined above. We’ll look at training as a process. We will begin with the desired outcomes – what we want people to know and what we want them to do. We will examine the inputs needed to set up for success. 5 tools for maximizing engagement and retention during class sessions will be shared. Finally we will examine methods for follow through including a class scorecard, a class reunion, a “trial” to determine who is “guilty” of practicing what they learned and a valuometer for gauging the contribution of the training to the enterprise.